Coaches Corner

Procedure for Making Game Changes

As your team's coach or manager you will want to make changes to your game schedule, either because you need to clear a day or two for an away tournament, or because the other team has asked for the game change. Either way, it is very important to follow the correct  procedure with both your league and association. The Ice Scheduler and the Referee in Chief must be notified of the change to avoid having your team face fines to recover wasted ice or referee salaries. There are step-by-step instructons here to help you do things properly. Please read them even if you are an experienced coach or manager. Some procedures have changed or you may have forgotten a step or two from years past.


If you will be a coach, assistant coach, trainer or manager then you must complete the Respect in Sport - Leader program, which is available here.

NEW REQUIREMENT FROM HEO: Gender Identity Training
All team officials must take the following two free online courses on gender equality:

There are two courses which will educate team officials on this important topic - Understanding Discrimination based on Gender Identity and Gender Expression and A Guide to the Dressing Room Policy and Confidentiality Statement.
All coaches and trainers must take these two courses and coaches will be awarded 3 certification maintenance points for taking the courses. HEO recommends that all team officials and administrators take this training given its significant benefit. For team officials already assigned to a team, completion of these modules will be required by October 1, 2022.

The courses are free and can be done online.
To learn more and to register go to Hockey Eastern Ontario.

Coach Qualifications -What Clinic Do I Need?
Are you unsure of what qualifications you need to coach a team?  What clinics should you attend?  Refer to the coaching qualification requirements endorsed by Hockey Eastern Ontario. 
Click HERE for the coach qualifications for the 2022-2023 season.

Coaching Application
If you are interested in coaching your son's/daughter's team - please complete a coaching application.  You will be contacted by the Coach Coordinator to arrange an interview. For the coaching application form, click HERE

Coaching Clinic Reimbursement Authorization Form
Coaching clinics will only be reimbursed to applicants who have been approved by the PLMHA Executive prior to taking a course.  Refer to the Coaching Clinic Reimbursment Policy for additional inforamtion.  Click HERE for the Clinic Reimbursement form.

Bench Staff Code of Conduct
All bench staff are required to complete the Bench Staff Code of Conduct.  Click HERE for the form.
The completed forms should be maintained by the Team Manager and be readily available, if requested by an Executive member.

Vulnerable Sector Check
All volunteers with the PLMHA must have a Vulnerable Sector Check on file with the association and must redo the check every two years. Print this letter and get it signed by a member of the PLMHA executive.
Team Operations Guide

Click HERE for the Team Operations Guide

Volunteer Application Form